
中心度(Centrality): How "central" a node is in the network


Degree centrality

degree of a node (the higher degree, more important the node)

Eccentricity centrality

the less eccentric, the more central

c(vi)=1/e(vi)c(v_i) = 1/e(v_i) ; Central node: e(vi)=r(G)e(v_i) = r(G) (if it equals the radius of G)

Periphery node: e(vi)=d(G)e(v_i) = d(G) (if it equals the diameter of G)

Closeness centrality

the average of the shortest path length from the node to every other node in the network, indicating how close a node: c(vi)=1/jd(vi,vj)c(v_i) = 1/\sum_j d(v_i,v_j)

median node vmv_m if vmv_m has the smallest total distance jd(vm,vj)\sum_j d(v_m,v_j)

Betweenness centrality

#\# of shortest paths from all vertices to all others that pass through vv:

c(vi)=jiki,k>jηjk(vi)ηjkc(v_i) = \sum \limits_{j\neq i} \sum \limits_{k\neq i, k\gt j} \frac{\eta_{jk}(v_i)}{\eta_{jk}} , ηjk\eta_{jk}:#\# of shortest paths between vjv_j and vkv_k, ηjk(vi)\eta_{jk}(v_i):#\# paths contain viv_i

Eigenvector centrality

Measure the influence of a node in a network, i.e., connections to high-scoring nodes contribute more to the score of the node in question than equal connections to low-scoring nodes



对于节点 vv :越多的节点指向 vv 则它的声望越高;越多高声望节点指向 vv 则它的声望越高

节点声望(prestige): p(v)=uA(u,v)p(u)=uAT(v,u)p(u)p(v) = \sum \limits_u A(u,v)\cdot p(u) = \sum \limits_u A^T(v,u)\cdot p(u)

可写成: p=ATpp' = A^Tp ,经过 kk 轮迭代后,我们得到 pk=(AT)kp0p_k = (A^T)^kp_0。随着 kk 的增加,向量 pkp_k 收敛



例子:假设有 A,B,CA,B,CDD



BB 也有链向 CC;并且 DD 也有链接到 A,B,CA,B,C 三个页面。一个页面不能投票2次。所以 BB 给每个页面半票, DD 给每个页面三分之一票:

PR(A)=PR(B)2+PR(C)1+PR(D)3PR(A) = \frac{PR(B)}{2}+\frac{PR(C)}{1}+\frac{PR(D)}{3}

PR(A)=PR(B)L(B)+PR(C)L(C)+PR(D)L(D)PR(A) = \frac{PR(B)}{L(B)}+\frac{PR(C)}{L(C)}+\frac{PR(D)}{L(D)}

又做了平滑,即拿出一部分声望 1dN\frac{1-d}{N} 来匀给从未出现过的页面:

PR(A)=(PR(B)L(B)+PR(C)L(C)+PR(D)L(D)+)d+1dNPR(A) = (\frac{PR(B)}{L(B)}+\frac{PR(C)}{L(C)}+\frac{PR(D)}{L(D)}+\cdots)d+\frac{1-d}{N}



按照HITS算法,用户输入关键词后,算法对返回的匹配页面计算两种值,一种是枢纽值(Hub Scores),另一种是权威值(Authority Scores),这两种值是互相依存、互相影响的。所谓枢纽值,指的是页面上所有导出链接指向页面的权威值之和。权威值是指所有导入链接所在的页面中枢纽值之和。

a(v)=uAT(v,u)h(u)a(v)=\sum \limits_u A^T(v,u)\cdot h(u) h(v)=uA(v,u)a(v)h(v) = \sum \limits_uA(v,u)\cdot a(v)

ak=AThk1=AT(Aak2)=(ATA)ak2a_k = A^Th_{k-1}=A^T(Aa_{k-2})=(A^TA)a_{k-2} hk=Aak1=A(AThk2)=(AAT)hk2h_k=Aa_{k-1}=A(A^Th_{k-2})=(AA^T)h_{k-2}


Betweenness: The extent to which a node lies between other nodes in the network. This measure takes into account the connectivity of the node's neighbors, giving a higher value for nodes which bridge clusters. The measure reflects the number of people who a person is connecting indirectly through their direct links

Bridge: An edge is a bridge if deleting it would cause its endpoints to lie in different components of a graph

Centrality: This measure gives a rough indication of the social power of a node based on how well they "connect" the network. "Betweenness", "Closeness", and "Degree" are all measures of centrality

Centralization: The difference between the number of links for each node divided by maximum possible sum of differences. A centralized network will have many of its links dispersed around one or a few nodes, while a decentralized network is one in which there is little variation between the number of links each node possesses

Closeness: The degree an individual is near all other individuals in a network (directly or indirectly). It reflects the ability to access information through the "grapevine" of network members. Thus, closeness is the inverse of the sum of the shortest distances between each individual and every other person in the network

Clustering coefficient: A measure of the likelihood that two associates of a node are associates themselves. A higher clustering coefficient indicates a greater 'cliquishness'

Cohesion: The degree to which actors are connected directly to each other by cohesive bonds. Groups are identified as ‘cliques’ if every individual is directly tied to every other individual, ‘social circles’ if there is less stringency of direct contact, which is imprecise, or as structurally cohesive blocks if precision is wanted

Degree (or geodesic distance): The count of the number of ties to other actors in the network

(Individual-level) Density: The degree a respondent's ties know one another/ proportion of ties among an individual's nominees. Network or global-level density is the proportion of ties in a network relative to the total number possible (sparse versus dense networks)

Flow betweenness centrality: The degree that a node contributes to sum of maximum flow between all pairs of nodes (not that node)

Eigenvector centrality: A measure of the importance of a node in a network. It assigns relative scores to all nodes in the network based on the principle that connections to nodes having a high score contribute more to the score of the node in question

Local Bridge: An edge is a local bridge if its endpoints share no common neighbors. Unlike a bridge, a local bridge is contained in a cycle

Path Length: The distances between pairs of nodes in the network. Average path-length is the average of these distances between all pairs of nodes

Prestige: In a directed graph prestige is the term used to describe a node's centrality. "Degree Prestige", "Proximity Prestige", and "Status Prestige" are all measures of Prestige

Radiality Degree: an individual’s network reaches out into the network and provides novel information and influence

Reach: The degree any member of a network can reach other members of the network

Structural cohesion: The minimum number of members who, if removed from a group, would disconnect the group

Structural equivalence: Refers to the extent to which nodes have a common set of linkages to other nodes in the system. The nodes don’t need to have any ties to each other to be structurally equivalent

Structural hole: Static holes that can be strategically filled by connecting one or more links to link together other points

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